»CL9:-------------------------------------- »CL8:»BIG: Eurochart competition #2: »SML: The 25k module competition »CL9:-------------------------------------- »CL7: by Curt Cool »CL0:Once again, it is time for a »CL1:Eurochart» competition, and this time, the musicians are the ones who can compete. The competition rules are very simple: Send a newly composed module of »CLA:25600 bytes unpacked, no more, no less» (!), in MOD. format, to the adress below and you are in. Each musician may compete with one module, and besides the honour, we will even have a special prize for the winner. »PIC:Zack2» All the modules (or at least, the best of them) will be spread with the next issue (that's issue #30) of the »CL1:Eurochart». The winner will be selected by a special jury containing of some of the best musicians in Denmark. »PIC:Chicken7.lbm» We hope that you will all happily compete in this competition, and send your module to: E-Mail: »CL3:curtcool@image.dk» »CL1:or» SnailMail: »CL2:Frank E. Larsen Stolpegårdsvej 35, st.3 2820 Gentofte Denmark» Or try to look for the nick »CL1:curt_cool» on IRC on #amigascne, #amigadk or #depth.